Connect your blockchain projects with our APIs

  • Interact with blockchain easily
  • Get balances, blocks and transactions
  • Send and receive transactions
  • All tokens supported
ETH Doc BNB Doc Tron Doc

How it Works?

We codding for developers. You need Kodapi when you want to codding for blockchain.

Choose a plan

We have different plans. Choose one of them and make sure of best for you.

Payment method

You can pay montly or yearly. You can use USDT or ETH

Let's work Blockchain

Start taking advantage of blockchain technology the easy way with our APIs.


We codding for developers. You need Kodapi when you want to codding for blockchain.



For easy test...

  • 20 transactions per month
  • 30 total wallet addresses
  • 15 total subscriptions/IPNs
  • 200 requests per month



For minimal projects...

  • 2.000 transactions per month
  • 3.000 total wallet addresses
  • 1.500 total subscriptions/IPNs
  • 20.000 requests per month



For ICO and larger projects...

  • 20.000 transactions per month
  • 30.000 total wallet addresses
  • 7.500 total subscriptions/IPNs
  • 200.000 requests per month



For captains who fly their projects...

  • 100.000 transactions per month
  • 100.000 total wallet addresses
  • 25.000 total subscriptions/IPNs
  • 20 million requests per month

Our Functions

Check out our simple ETH, BNB and TRON Docs to learn how to apply

Send many cryptocurrencies automatically

Receive many cryptocurrencies automatically

Get info on transactions by hash or transaction id

Get address balances of many cryptocurrencies

Get info on Blockchain blocks by hash or number

Get info on ERC20 token

Get last mined blockchain block number

Get latest ETH/Euro, ETH/USD, TRX/Euro and TRX/USD exchange rate

Subscribe to new deposits of many cryptocurrencies

Create wallet addresses

Generate wallet addresses

Frequently Asked


Kodapi is a REST API which allows you automate interacting with the Ethereum and Tron blockchain. So, instead of using a wallet to manually send coins to many addresses, you can automate this process by using our solution. You can also use Kodapi to securely store and manage ethereum funds of your users.
You can, for example: Check Token balances, send Ethereum, Tron or Tokens, create Ethereum and Tron addresses, get info on ERC20, ERC721 tokens and Ethereum transactions. For a full overview please have a look at our Ethereum Docs and Tron Docs which describe all available functions of our Blockchain APIs.
Cryptocurrency Exchanges, ICOs, Airdrop managers, E-Commerce shops which want to add their own token as a payment method and all businesses which need to interact with blockchains.
We have a monthly pricing system with different plans. You will start with a free plan, but can upgrade it at any time if you need to make more requests. To upgrade, you only need to select a plan on the pricing page and have enough balance on your account. To charge your account, you only need to send Ethereum to the address in your account panel. After a few confirmations (~30 minutes), it will automatically be accepted and converted to dollar based on the current dollar to ethereum rate and added to your account balance. To get an overview of our plans, please click here. We also offer customized plans for customers who need to make a lot of requests. If you have a big application and want to use Kodapi, please get in touch with us so we can negotiate a fair price (You can find ways to contact us at the bottom of the page).
Your token must follow the ERC20, ERC721, TRC20 TRC721, BEP-20, BEP-721 or TRC10 token standard for our API to work. Please refer to this article to see the exact specifications of the ERC20/TRC20/BEP-20 token standard. If your token follows the standard, it will work with the Blockchain API of Kodapi. There is no need to ask us if we will add a specifc TRC20 or ERC20 Token, as our Blockchain API is designed to be universal compatible with all tokens.
Sure! We are happy to provide discounts for applications which need a lot of requests. Just get in contact with us.
Our Blockchain API is being improved continuously. We can currently compensate over 50% of system failures and are working with high available, shielded servers.
You can manage your wallets with the functions newAddress, listAddresses and deleteAddress. NewAddress creates a new address on the Ethereum API with the password you provided (Don’t lose that one!). In Tron API, the newAddress function will return a private key (which shouldn't be lost also). With the listAddresses function, you can get a list all of the wallet addresses you have ever created. If you have Ethereum addresses you don't need anymore, you can use the deleteAddress function to get rid of them. But be careful, you won't have access to it anymore after it has been deleted.
Our Blockchain API supports all Stable Tokens that are based on the ERC20, TRC20 and TRC10 standard

Connect your blockchain projects with our APIs

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